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Playlist for Galactic Travels™

Galactic Travels™ is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that
airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem,
PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 93.7 FM in Fogelsville
and Trexlertown, PA, and streaming on-line. Many Choices, Real Voices.
Show #1329 October 20, 2022.
Playlist at Bill's Blog
On this show, I continued the month-long focus on Tapes and Topographies.
The Featured CD at Midnight was "Insomnia Drones" on Simulacra Records.
You also heard new music by Sverre Knut Johansen on Spotted Peccary Music
and by Sonic Research Society on SynGate Records.


11:04 pm
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Kevin Braheny        Starflight 1 *       Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Broekhuis, Keller &  The Return from      Third Decade (Manikin)
  Schönwälder          Babylon
Sonic Research       The Train in Vain    Clean Air Factory (SynGate)
Sonic Research       Happy Brain Rest     Clean Air Factory (SynGate)
Sonic Research       Around a Square      Clean Air Factory (SynGate)
Sverre Knut Johansen Metahuman (extended) Metahuman (Spotted Peccary)
VA [Black Tape for   To Touch the Milky   Projekt 2022 (Projekt)
  a Blue Girl]         Way
Robert Schroeder     Daydreamer           Spaces of a Dream (Spheric
David Helpling       Slipping *           IN (Spotted Peccary)

12:00 am
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
David Helpling       Slipping **          IN (Spotted Peccary)
Tapes and            Depth of Field       Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Before Each Beat of  Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
  Topographies         Your Heart
Tapes and            Prints on Glass      Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Negative Space       Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            In the Garden Where  Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
  Topographies         the Moonlight Glows
Tapes and            Tape Unwound         Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Song for Oksana      Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Versailles           Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Far Fields           Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
Tapes and            Stay Until I Sleep   Insomnia Drones (Simulacra)
NOX                  Iconoclasticide      Abyssal Codex (Winter-Light)

1:00 am

 * = excerpt
** = Continued
 + = Bonus or extra track
++ = Advance CDR from Artist
-- = Background music under interview
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
xx = aborted by CD player

On the next Galactic Travels™, I'll conclude the month-long focus on
Tapes and Topographies. The Featured CD at Midnight will be "Ubiquitous
Clouds" on Simulacra Records. You will also hear new music by EL-KA and
by Syndromeda on SynGate Records.
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"Many Choices, Real Voices"

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