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Playlist for Galactic Travels™

Galactic Travels™ is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that
airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem,
PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, and streaming on-line.
Many Choices, Real Voices.
Show #1420 July 18, 2024.
Playlist at Bill's Blog
You can hear the two most recent shows on
WDIY's Two Week Archive.
On this show, I continued the month-long focus on Dino Pacifici. The
Featured CD at Midnight was "Kinetic N-R-GEE" on Scorpio Rising Music.
You also heard new music by Onasander, Ashtoreth, and Gydja on Winter-
Light Records, by Volker Lankow on Iapetus Music, by Field Lines
Cartographer on DiN Records, and by Alias Zone.


11:04 pm
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Kevin Braheny        Starflight 1 *       Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Onasander,           Knocking on the      Animic Atmospheres (Winter-
  Ashtoreth, & Gydja   Death Door           Light)
Field Lines          Ascending Waves of   Portable Reality Generator
  Cartographer         Consciousness        (DiN)
Alias Zone           Ash Tree Window      Finite Space (none)
Volker Lankow        An Entrance          Sonics of Infinity Part 2
                                            (Iapetus Music)
Rudy Adrian          The Belt of Orion *  Reflections on a Moonlit Lake
                                            (Spotted Peccary Music)

12:00 am
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Rudy Adrian          The Belt of Orion ** Reflections on a Moonlit Lake
                                            (Spotted PeccaryMusic)
Dino Pacifici        The Tall Ship        Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Submarine        Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Airship          Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Hot Air Balloon  Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Chinese Junk     Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Bicycle          Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)
Dino Pacifici        The Bullet Train     Kinetic N-R-Gee (SRM)

1:00 am

 * = excerpt
** = continued
 + = bonus or extra track
xx = aborted by CD player

On the next Galactic Travels™, I'll conclude the month-long focus on Dino
Pacifici. The Featured CD at Midnight will be "A Boat Without Oars" on
Scorpio Rising Music. You will also hear new music by Dark Sky Alliance
on Spotted Peccary Music and two albums by Volker Lankow on Iapetus
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"Many Choices, Real Voices"

Go to the Special Focus page on Dino Pacifici.     Go to the Playlists 2024 page.

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