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Playlist for Galactic Travels™

Galactic Travels™ is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that
airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem,
PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 93.7 FM in Fogelsville
and Trexlertown, PA, and streaming on-line. Many Choices, Real Voices.
Show #1232 November 12, 2020.
Playlist at Bill's Blog
On this show, I continued the month-long focus on the Tone Science sub-
label/series of compilations. The Featured CD at Midnight was "Tone 
Science Module No. 2: Elements and Particles" on DiN Records. You also 
heard new music by Kevin Braheny Fortune on Heartcall Music, by Steve
Roach on Projekt Records, and by Bernhard Wöstheinrich and Wolfgang Spahn
on Iapetus Music.


11:00 pm
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
Kevin Braheny        Starflight 1 *       Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Steve Roach          Optimal Being        Tomorrow (Projekt)
Kevin Braheny        Subharmonium         Eclectic Electric Singles
  Fortune                                   (Heartcall)
Under the Dome       Sonar                Almagest (Cochlear Vision)
B. Wöstheinrich and  The Confetti Machine The Wedding Sessions (Iapetus
  W. Spahn             Part 2 *             Music)

12:00 am
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ===============================
VA [Todd Barton]     Floating World       Tone Science Module No. 2:
                                            Elements and Particles (Tone
VA [Bluetech]        Magnetic Lullaby     TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Parallel Worlds] Additive Procedure   TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Paul Nagle]      Euneirophrenia       TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Dave Bessell]    Overtone             TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Richard Quirk]   Radar Hill           TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Hainbach]        Your Strange Glitter TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [Nathan Moody]    Prophet And Loss     TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)
VA [r beny]          Marine Layer         TSMN 2 (TS/DiN)

1:00 am

 * = excerpt
** = Continued
 + = Bonus or extra track
++ = Advance CDR from Artist
-- = Background music under interview
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
xx = aborted by CD player

On the next Galactic Travels™, I'll continue the month-long focus on the
Tone Science series of compilations. The Featured CD at Midnight will be
"Tone Science Module No. 3: Cosines and Tangents" on DiN Records. You
will also hear new music by Ian Boddy on DiN Records and by Aperus on
Geophonic Records.
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"Many Choices, Real Voices"

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