WDIY 88.1 FM Galactic Travels™ Top 20 for February, 2021.
Shows #1240 to #1243; 7-January-2021 to 25-February-2021
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox.
This report is also available at:
Bill's Blog | WDIY
The Special Focus for January was Jim Ottaway. Due to the host
contracting Covid-19, the Special Focus was completed in February.
Ashtoreth and Stratosphere - Between Worlds - Winter-Light
Causeyoufair - L'Sonnet Vol. I and Vol. II - Audiobulb
Colin Rayment - Igneous - SynGate
Craig Padilla and Marvin Allen - - Spotted Peccary Music
Dave Bessell and Parallel Worlds - Phosphenes - DiN
Erik Wøllo - Recurrence - Projekt
Ian Boddy - Axiom - DiN
Jim Ottaway - Deep Space Blue - none
Jim Ottaway - Southern Cross - none
Jim Ottaway - Timeless e-Motion - none
Jim Ottaway - When Eternity Touches Time - none
Michael Brückner and Detlev Everling - Reiseziel Mond - SynGate
Mythos - Berliner Schule Sequences - Cargo
Ron Boots and Synth.nl - BorkHavn - Groove Unlimited
Sam Rosenthal - Tim, Where Are You Now? - Projekt
Tapes and Topographies - Inoculations - Dronarivm
Thaneco - Cerulean Voyager - Thaneco
Time Being - An Ocean of Time - Spotted Peccary
TÆT - Twisted Static - TruthTable
Under the Dome - Almagest - Cochlear Vision