Galactic Travels™ is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that
airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem,
PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, and streaming on-line.
Many Choices, Real Voices.
Show #1186R |
December 26, 2024. |
Playlist at Bill's Blog
You can hear the two most recent shows on
WDIY's Two Week Archive.
This episode originally aired in 2019. Please ignore time-based
references since some are no longer valid.
On this show, I concluded the month-long focus on Fanger & Schönwälder.
The Featured CD at Midnight was "Analog Overdose 5" on Manikin Records.
You also heard music by Marconi Union on Just Music, by Michael Brückner
on Aural Films, and by Edith Alonso on Truthtable.
11:04 pm
==================== ==================== ===============================
Kevin Braheny Starflight 1 * Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Michael Brückner Zodiak - Part 9 Astronauts Vol. 2 (Aural Films)
DASK Biomass Insecta (SynGate/Wave)
Marconi Union Burned Dead Air (Just Music)
George Wallace I Wonder The Exquisite Now (AirBorn)
Edith Alonso Nadie Te Espera Khôra (Truthtable)
Fanger & Schönwälder Ringbahn Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Schöneburg Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Geisterbahnhof * Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
12:00 am
==================== ==================== ===============================
Fanger & Schönwälder Geisterbahnhof ** Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Wannsee Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder West-Tangente Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Zentralflughafen Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Wintergarten Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Funkturm Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
Fanger & Schönwälder Frankfurter Allee Analog Overdose 5 (Manikin)
1:00 am
* = excerpt
** = continued
+ = bonus or extra track
xx = aborted by CD player
On the next Galactic Travels™, I'll begin a month-long focus on Modulator
ESP. The Featured CD at Midnight will be "Inside Outside, Outside
Inside." You will also hear new music by Juta Takahashi on Lunisolar
Records, by Colin Fraser on We Are Busy Bodies, by Ian Boddy and Dave
Bessell on DiN, and by Parallel Worlds on Móatún 7.
WDIY Announcement
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