WDIY 88.1 FM Galactic Travels™ Top 20 for March, 2021.
Shows #1244 to #1247; 4-March-2021 to 25-March-2021
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox.
This report is also available at:
Bill's Blog | WDIY
The Special Focus for March was BK&S.
Astoreth and Onsturicheit - Svartur - Belgian Neumusik
BK&S - Blue - Manikin
BK&S - Red Live @ USA disc 1 - Manikin
BK&S - Red Live @ USA disc 2 - Manikin
Bernhard Wöstheinrich - Eyes in the Big City Session - Iapetus Music
Bouvetøya - The Fiction Makers - none
Braun, BK&S - Project Inter.com - Manikin
Cosmic Ground - 0110 - Studio Fleisch
Craig Padilla and Marvin Allen - Strange Gravity - Spotted Peccary Music
Craque - Adapta - TruthTable
Dave Bessell and Parallel Worlds - Phosphenes - DiN
Erik Wøllo - Recurrence - Projekt
Intelligent Life - Everything Is Always the Same - Audiobulb
James Clent - Powerful Waves - Groove Unltd.
Mathias Grübel - Versions of Stability - TruthTable
Orbifold C - Apeiron - Groove Unlimited
Perceptual Defence and Syndromeda - The Alien Arrival - SynGate
Softbase - Of Its Time - none
Sylvain Carel - Atlantide - SynGate
Thierry David - Slow Motion - K-Vox