WDIY 88.1 FM Galactic Travels™ Top 20 for April, 2021.
Shows #1248 to #1252; 1-April-2021 to 29-April-2021
Reported in non-ranked, alphanumeric order.
Compiled by Bill Fox.
This report is also available at:
Bill's Blog | WDIY
The Special Focus for April was Modulator ESP.
Bernhard Wöstheinrich - THF Experience Show 20210130 Part 2 - Iapetus Music
Cosmic Ground - 0110 - Studio Fleisch
Craig Padilla and Marvin Allen - Strange Gravity - Spotted Peccary
DASK - Electron Hell - SynGate
Erik Wøllo - Recurrence - Projekt
Forrest Smithson - Dieux - none
Guy-Lian - Solar System Part 1 - Groove Unlimited
Johannes Schmoelling 20 - Viktoriapark
La Ponto Ensemblo - Eniwetok Suite - SynGate
Matthias Grübel - Futuro - TruthTable
Modulator ESP - Invisible Forces - none
Modulator ESP - The Drone Out of Space - none
Modulator ESP - The Shadow of Poseidon - none
Modulator ESP - The Stillness - none
Modulator ESP and Vince Cory - Beyond the Silver Aether - none
Neuro... No Neuro - Object Models - Audiobulb
Oriom - Healing Source - Klangwirkstoff
Ron Boots - When It Gets Dark - Groove Unlimited
Softbase - Flow - none
Various Artists - Mars Perseverance - Aural Films